Green Grows up and up and up and up; Sustainable high-rises are sprouting from Manhattan's bedrock
Tall buildings are getting greener. Or green buildings are getting taller. Either way you slice it, the sustainability movement in the U.S. has gone large-scale and skyward, and nowhere is this more apparent than in New York City.
Date 2004-01-01
Author Deborah Snoonian, P.E
DOUGLAS DURST: Can a Times Square Disaster Be an Inspiration?
Land grabber, neighborhood despoiler, wheeler-dealer--those are the kinds of labels that stick to an urban real estate developer. Concerned environmentalist would not be on the list. But Douglas Durst is a developer with a green streak. And if he's not ready to be lionized by the Sierra Club, you could at least call him the greenest of New York City's megadevelopers.
Date 1999-10-18
Author Christopher Hallowell