Douglas Durst tapped to be next REBNY chair
Landlord and developer to succeed Bill Rudin as head of trade group.
Date 2020-09-18
Author Hiten Samtani and Kathryn Brenzel
REBNY to nominate Douglas Durst as new chairman
The Real Estate Board of New York will nominate Douglas Durst, head of the Durst Organization, as its next chairman, the trade group announced Thursday.
Date 2020-09-17
Author Janaki Chadha
The Durst Organization Chairman Douglas Durst To Be Nominated as Next Chairman of the Real Estate Board of New York
The Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY), the City’s leading real estate trade association, today announced that Douglas Durst, chairman of The Durst Organization, will be nominated as the next REBNY chairman.
Author The Durst Organization
Why rejecting the Sixers’ arena is a grownup moment for Philadelphia
It’s too soon to say whether Philadelphia can overcome the curse of Penn’s Landing and create a real neighborhood on that glorified sandbar at the foot of Market Street.
Date 2020-09-11
Author Inga Saffron
New York’s Durst selected to develop Penn’s Landing, over 76ers arena proposal
The Durst Organization of New York has been selected to redevelop Penn’s Landing, likely ending efforts by the 76ers to build themselves a new basketball arena there.
Date 2020-09-09
Author Jacob Adelman